OUR LONG AND WINDING ROAD: Seeking Our Path in the Longevity Revolution with Rabbi Richard Address, D. Min., Saturday, April 4th, London ON

Two comments people made after our very successful Canadian Boomerfest in October 2018 was: When you are you doing it again?! And when is Rabbi Richard Address coming back?!!!

I am delighted to be able to tell you that Rabbi Address has agreed to spend a full day with us on Saturday, April 4th! Please check out this short video and be sure to register as soon as possible for this wonderful day as we explore “Our Long and Winding Road: Seeking Our Path in the Longevity Revolution.”

Together with our friends from Temple Israel in London we will build a path of meaning and joy for ourselves and those we care about! Hope to see you at Siloam on Saturday, April 4th!

Happy New Year! Valentine’s Day is just Around the Corner!

Earlier I wrote about this special Valentine’s Evening coming up at Siloam, which I know you will want to attend! Here is some more info. Please join us at Siloam at 7 p.m., Friday, February for a special evening of song with two amazing artists, Kelly Walker and Breanne Dietrich. Refreshments and desserts provided.

Love is the only thing that is real. — Kieran Aleksander Francis Stroobandt

When you are present in this moment, you break the continuity of your story, of past and future. Then true intelligence arises and also love. — Eckhart Tolle