Baby Boomers, Voice Issues, and What To Do

My apologies for being absent for so long! I have been battling a particularly bad bug for over a week now and, while the severe head and chest problems are easing a wee bit due to antibiotics, I am still wrestling with a very bad cough and little or no voice! Not great for one whose primary tool of the trade is her speaking voice!

The other day I went back to the doctor’s and she told me that I must not talk for a few days – she clearly does not know me! If I must communicate, even with family at home, I should text them. My husband does not text – lucky guy! It has been a very quiet weekend!

Hopefully I will be feeling better soon and will have my voice back. But as I get older, I notice that my voice has become hoarser. So, I decided to do some research on Boomers and Voice Issues. Clearly, these are not uncommon challenges for people in mid-life. Check out this article I found from a Baby Boomer Retirement blog. It has some interesting insights and helpful pointers! Click here to read about voice therapy for mature adults.

Creating Your Ideal Retirement

The London Creative Age Network is hosting a workshop about retirement and creativity on Thursday, November 9th at the Byron Library. The workshop is free to attend and participants will be guided through practical and non-practical activities to inspire their creativity. Participants are asked to bring a fresh notebook with them to the workshop.

The workshop will be led by Kathy Smith, who is a leader in creative aging initiatives. Kathy is also the recipient of the 2016-17 Province of Ontario Senior Achievement Award, among other honours.

You can learn more about this exciting opportunity to explore your creativity as it relates to retirement on the The London Creative Age Network’s website. Thank you once again to my friend Susan for sharing this information with me!